Privacy Policy

We consider the confidentiality and security of the data provided by the users of the web to be of paramount importance, guaranteeing privacy at all times.

Below, we provide you with all the necessary information regarding the processing of personal data collected, in compliance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016:


IDENTITY: Paula Vidal Abalo.

VAT NUMBER: 36140474E


We process the information provided by our customers and users in order to manage the contractual relationship of leasing services between them and Paula Vidal and in order to meet the accounting and tax obligations arising from the provision of services to our customers.

In no case we will transfer your personal data to other persons or entities without your prior consent.


The data provided by customers will be retained for as long as they maintain a contractual relationship with us. Once this relationship has ended, they will be kept blocked for the time strictly necessary as required by the applicable legal regulations, at which time they will be deleted. In any case, it will be the minimum required by the applicable legislation in force.


The legal basis for the processing of customer data is the relationship of leasing services that binds you to Paula Vidal. The customer is obliged to provide personal data necessary for the proper provision of the contracted service.

The personal data we process from customers and users are provided directly by the interested party and are essential for the defense of their interests.


We will only communicate your data to third parties in those cases where there is a legal obligation in tax, financial, fraud prevention or money laundering, social security or others imposed by supervisory bodies or control authorities.

We will also communicate your essential personal data to those entities that provide a service to the firm’s professionals in their capacity as data processors.


  • Right to request access to your personal data
  • The right to request the rectification or deletion of your data.
  • The right to limit the processing of your personal data, in which case they will only be used for the exercise or defense of your interests.
  • The right to object to the processing of your data, unless for legitimate reasons or for the exercise of legal actions it is necessary to continue the processing of the same.
  • The right to data portability, i.e. to transfer the data concerning the data subject to another data controller.
  • The interested party may exercise these rights by sending an e-mail to the following address: